Friday, April 10, 2015

EQUILIBRIUM, by author, LORRIE THOMSON, recommended by writer, Jamie Raintree

Author / Writer / Book Lover - which are you?
JR ~ I’m a writer, hoping to be a published author soon. Definitely a book lover.

Title of Fiction book and year published
Equilibrium, 2013

Author name
Lorrie Thomson

Type of book
Women’s Fiction

What is it about this book that pulled you in?

JR ~ The first thing that pulled me in was Thomson’s beautiful writing. She has such a way with words and painted a vivid picture of the Klein’s life. As difficult as the Klein’s situation is, I still felt so at home in their home and I looked forward to picking up the book and spending time there.

Secondly, I was very intrigued by Laura’s conflicted feelings about her late husband. It gave the story a real-ness that made it hit home for me.

Is there a relationship in the story that resonated with you? 

JR ~ I really loved the relationship between Laura and Aidan, the man who moves into her husband’s old studio behind the house. I don’t want to give too much away, but I always love a character who comes in and encourages the main character to look at life in a different way.

Do you think that relationship was portrayed realistically?

JR ~ I do. I especially loved the way that Thomson made sure the kids were considered every step of the way. In some books where kids are involved, they are often off doing their own thing and not included in the journey that the main character goes through. Thomson did a great job of portraying that to a mother, her kids are the most important part of her life.

Anything else you want to tell us about the book?

JR ~ Equilibrium is told in two points-of-view: Laura’s and her teenage daughter’s, Darcy. Usually when there is more than one point-of-view, I favor one over the other, but in this case, I enjoyed both equally. Darcy’s point-of-view contrasted Laura’s perfectly, portraying two opposite, but equally understandable reactions to grief. I just really loved this book!

If author or writer, your social media links:


JHA ~ Thanks so much, Jamie, for recommending this book! It has been on my TBR list for a while now and I need to move it up ~ it sounds great!

Attention readers Have YOU read this book?  If so, tell us what YOU thought of it!

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  1. Thomson's "reading corner" was featured on Jessica Faust's blog today, so nice timing! ( so between that and this post, I'm compelled to add her books to my TBR list! (Like that is so hard to convince me....)

    1. Thanks for mentioning that, Janet! I didn't know about it, and will check it out. :)

    2. Thank you so much for pointing that out, Janet! What a lovely coincidence.

  2. Jamie, I find it interesting that you mention the children having a voice. I've thought the same thing when I've read certain books. What are the children thinking? How is this situation affecting them? I think of our household, and the kids definitely have a "voice"!

    1. They do! When you have kids of your own, you find out just how much voice they have. Lol!

  3. Thank you so much, Jamie, Jill, and Janet. (I sense a theme here.) I'm delighted Equilibrium and its characters resonated with you, Jamie. As a mom of three, I had no trouble getting into Laura's mindset. And for Darcy? I can remember what it was like to be fifteen. As a teenager a certain amount of immaturity is expected, the mindset of, how does this situation apply to me? I enjoyed moving back and forth between the two viewpoints.

    1. Sometimes I feel like I am still sixteen. Lol! Probably why I read entirely too much YA. Maybe that's one of the reasons I loved your book so much--it was like my two favorite genres in one! ;)

    2. Thanks, Jamie! Equilibrium definitely has YA crossover appeal. The year it came out my daughter's high school book club read it, and I joined their discussion as a special guest. My daughter was the only kid who didn't ask a question. Which I understand. On the flip side, I probably went overboard when--in private--I told my daughter I didn't approve of Darcy's choices. (But I understand Darcy's choices. I sure do.)

      FYI, What's Left Behind and A Measure of Happiness have New Adult, as well as adult, characters. :)

    3. That is so good to know, Lorrie, as I have teenage granddaughters who would likely relate to your books. I imagine it was a wonderful/strange feeling for your daughter and her book club to read Equilibrium. Very cool!

  4. I really enjoyed Lorrie's book. Being an RN and fascinated with anything medical, her research and presentation of bi-polar conditions and how they can tear holes in the family fabric made the book's message all the more poignant and meaningful.
